Email me at lbond [at] stanford [dot] edu.
I am a postdoc in the Feldman lab. My research focuses on the cultural evolution of conformist and anti-conformist transmission, and gene-culture co-evolution of altruism. I received my Bachelor of Science in Ecology, Behavior and Evolution from UCLA in 2014. There, I researched foraging behaviors in ants, birdsong syntax, and human morality.
May Levin is an undergraduate at Stanford University studying Computer Science with a specialization in Biocomputation and AI.
Elisa is a 1st year PhD Student in the Biology Department.
I’m a 5th year Biology PhD candidate working under the supervision of Prof. Marcus Feldman and Prof. Alexander Ioannidis. Funded by Stanford’s Interdisciplinary Graduate Fellowship (SIGF), my current interests are:
• To expand upon our historical analysis of Polynesian settlement patterns, incorporating these insights into precision medicine strategies tailored to admixed minority populations who remain underrepresented in modern genomic databases.
• To extend the study of gene-culture coevolution, leveraging datasets across diverse disciplines to illuminate the dynamic relationships between genes, culture, and ecology.
• To help understand the evolution of languages by borrowing techniques from population genetics.
Mike has a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the California Institute of Technology and a B.S. in Physics from Yale University.
Mike is writing a book entitled The Evolution of Evolvability: the Recursive Macroevolution of Clades. He rejoined the Feldman lab in 2022 as a Visiting Scholar, having been a Research Associate in the lab 10+ years ago.
Mike has also spent time in the tech industry in Silicon Valley in a series of startup companies, and does some machine learning applied to genomics.